Monday, March 21, 2011

Surveys: Beginning the Process

The Search Team met tonight to begin discussing the survey.  The purpose of the survey is to help us develop a church profile and criteria to evaluate candidates.  Ultimately, the survey information can be used to see both where we are as a church body and where we desire to go.

Adrian worked on synthesizing the various survey examples we received from the denomination.  We decided to spend some time between this meeting and the next reviewing the questions.  We discussed the format the questions should appear in: a continuum,  a set of questions, a range of numbers, etc.

We discussed how to find out the characteristics of a pastor through a survey. We will continue to review the pastor qualities as well.

Hopefully, after the next meeting we will be able to schedule the survey workshop and have the congregation provide input to the survey.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Meeting Two

The search team met on March 7, 2011.  At the meeting, Scott Tornquist was elected Chair of the committee. Chereen Stroup was named secretary and Annette Boehlje was elected communication coordinator.

We discussed how to communicate best with the congregation and decided a variety of mediums would be utilized (bulletin, blogs, facebook, short announcements during service etc).

The first task is to create a survey to determine our strengths, needs and preferences.  It was decided that the congregation would be invited to help us in preparing and selecting questions for the survey.  Ken Carlson had provided a book of examples for us to use, and we will be looking at the same surveys over the next couple weeks.  At our next meeting, we will schedule a workshop for this purpose.

Search Team Notes: The First Meeting

On February 28, 2011, the congregation and the search team met with Ken Carlson, conference superintendent.  Ken explained the process of selecting a lead pastor.

First, selection of  a pastor is a Marathon, not a sprint.  The entire process is likely to take 12 to 18 months from start to finish.

Second, an interim pastor will be brought in to aid us in our transition.  This allows us time to grieve our Pastor's leaving, and learn who we are as a congregation.  We will be reminded that it is us, the congregation, who is the church, not the pastor.  The Interim Pastor will also help us celebrate the results of our search process.

At the start of the process, the search team will need input and help in preparing and completing the tasks necessary for the search.  We will be asking the congregation to help us out with a variety of things (like videos, an overview of the area, and a survey).

The flip side to this input is that at some point, the search committee will need to hold some information confidential during the process.  We promise to provide as much information as we can on the process, but there will be times we will not have much to share.

If members of the congregation have names of potential candidates, the search committee will be glad to accept them, with the caveat that the process at that point will be between the potential candidate and the search team, not the congregational member.

After the congregational meeting, Ken met with the search team and provided specific information on how the process works.  The team agreed to meet in one week to elect a chair, a secretary and a communication coordinator.